The renovation of Sutton Park was the first low impact redevelopment effort in the City of Palmetto. It was begun in 2012 and…

Professional Expertise & Exceptional Local Service
Gause and Associates, Inc. provides a broad range of expertise to assist clients in developing their vision and achieving their goals. Services include Landscape Architecture, Land Planning, Arborist, Environmental Permitting and Project Management. We fully understand the site development and regulatory process and are able to utilize our experience and expertise to assess the feasibility of a project while focusing on the best design approach to achieve our client's vision. Over 90% of the work has been with continuing clients, including Architects, Contractors, Developers and municipal clients.
Project Portfolio
- Starwood Properties (Starwood Amenity Center) project scope included Planning, Landscape Architectural, civil Engineering and Owner representation services associated with the approval and construction…
Jeff Burton, Director- Palmetto Community Redevelopment AgencyBob has facilitated multiple multi-million projects for the Community Redevelopment Agency. He is thoughtful, well-spoken and professional. He has presented information on my behalf before…